Periodontal "Gum" Disease
Your health and wellbeing are very important to Logos Dentistry, PLLC. Therefore, we want to provide you with information to help you make informed decisions about dental treatments you may choose to have. This is particularly important when treating Periodontal (Gum) Disease and related conditions.
Gum or Periodontitis is inflammation and infection that affects the gums, bone and supporting tissue structures around the teeth. In addition to inadequate flossing and brushing, other factors that contribute to periodontal disease include smoking, Osteoporosis, stress, diabetes, medications, illness, hormonal changes and genetics. Even with good oral hygiene, one can have periodontal disease.
3 out of 4 people have a form of periodontal disease and most are not aware of it due to the silent nature of this disease. Common signs include gums that are red and swollen, bleeding when brushing or flossing, gums that have ‘pulled away’ (receded) from the teeth, pus between gums and teeth when the gums are pressed, permanent teeth are loose or separating, changes in fit of partial dentures, and persistent bad breath. ‘Pain’ to chewing and biting or ‘deep throbbing ache’ is not normally present until the condition is severe.
Periodontal Disease Categories
Like most diseases, if left untreated, Periodontal Disease will become progressively worse and can have serious health effects in the mouth as well as throughout your body. In addition to affecting the future ability to wear dentures or have implants placed, numerous studies by the U.S. Surgeon General and the scientific community report that bacteria in plaque is also linked to heart, lung and immune disorders, which if left unchecked can lead to life threatening problems.
Due to the permanent nature of periodontal disease, required care may be long term. In many cases, this disease cannot be cured, but can be treated and maintained. In the absence of active periodontal disease, patients should see their dentist every 6 months. However, patients with periodontal disease will often times require treatment every 3 or 4 months.
Please understand that it is extremely important to see the dentist and have periodontal disease treated as recommended as it affects your oral and overall health.
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